Sunday, May 31, 2015

Therapist in Santa Monica: How to Resolve Cases of Anxiety Disorders

While most people are relatively good at handling anxiety—commonly felt in stressful or uncomfortable situations like public speaking or job interview—there are those who find it extremely challenging, if not debilitating, to deal with. It has, in fact, been found that anxiety disorder affects around 40 million American adults, aged 18 years old and above. Types of Anxieties Unlike brief periods of nervousness and uncertainty, most cases of anxiety disorders can last up to six months or more, during which sufferers experience symptoms such as recurring nightmares, violent obsessive thoughts, and overwhelming panic and fear. Most people diagnosed with this condition are more prone to also suffer from other mental conditions like depression, self-destruction, inflicting damage to personal relationships, and inability to focus and perform everyday tasks.

Friday, May 29, 2015

A Psychiatrist in Santa Monica Helps Women with Mental Health Problems

According to an article on The Daily Times dated May 4, 2015, “…women are more likely than men to experience depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders.” This may just seem like some made-up belief, but there are biological and environmental factors that draw the line between men and women when it comes to mental health concerns, which is why seeking professional help from a psychiatrist in Santa Monica to remedy these concerns is crucial. One reason as to why women tend to experience more mental health problems is hormonal differences. For example, women are said to experience more frequent fluctuations in hormone levels compared to men, which can lead to depression. Women are also said to get more involved when it comes to emotional matters such as personal relationships.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Newport Beach Therapist Can Help You Turn Your Life Back Around

According to the latest available data for the U.S., suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the nation, with 90 percent of all victims having a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their demise. A person’s risk of committing suicide can be aggravated by several demographic and social risk factors; some demographic-related ones include being male, young, single, widowed or separated/divorced while social-related ones include unemployment, retirement and lack of social support (prevalent among the elderly, prisoners, immigrants, and the bereaved). Whatever comes, however, one thing is for certain: suicidal thoughts can be dealt with.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Newport Beach Psychiatrist Explains How Bipolar Disorder is Two-Sided

Both males and females get bipolar disorder but in different forms. While males lean toward mania, females lean toward depression. This is exemplified by an increase in prevalence of eating disorders, specific phobias and even thoughts of suicide among women. On the other hand, men often exhibit frequent substance abuse. This is why bipolar disorder is a tricky lot to diagnose. Many doctors misdiagnose people with bipolar disorder, considering that the symptoms mentioned above can happen to both men and women. A Newport Beach psychiatrist like one from Superior Psychiatric Services must be careful not to mistake one for the other.