Sunday, August 30, 2015

Psychiatrist in Santa Monica on Tips how to Combat Low Self-Esteem

Many people of all ages suffer from having low self-esteem. This could be triggered by negative life events, abuse, discrimination, traumatic childhood experiences and many other different factors. These individuals often feel misunderstood and the generic advice of “be true to yourself” and “just focus on the positive” don’t cut it. As any psychiatrist in Santa Monica or anywhere else will tell you, the problem lies deeper within the mind. Here are some tips to help yourself or anyone who need a boost in self-esteem. Life Check Looking back into the past can help put your life into perspective. For some, this could be a sobering experience. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you gain self-acceptance. However, dwelling too much on the negatives can put you in a worse mood.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Suicide Red Flags: Signs You Should Take your Loved One to a Therapist

Is your friend at risk of suicide? Even if the person has not asked for it, he may still want your help and you could be in the position to prevent something irrevocable and tragic from happening. While there’s no foolproof guide in determining whether an individual intends to take his own life, experts over the years have learned to recognize a pattern of behavior among suicidal people. Below are four warning signs you may need to take your loved one to a therapist for suicide counseling: 1. Talks about dying or self-harm – As per government data, 70% of people who commit suicide give people a hint of their plans, if not tell them directly. So, if someone tells things like “I’d better be off dead” or “I wish I hadn’t been born” or “Perhaps, in the next life…,” take him seriously.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Newport Beach Psychiatrist: Learn about the 4 Common Types of OCD

Double-checking whether the door’s locked before you leave home or washing your hands thoroughly after using the toilet is normal. For people with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), however, these thoughts can be very nagging and bothersome to the point that they cause anxiety when the compulsive behavior isn’t performed again and again. OCD can be classified according to the compulsion, although an individual may have more than one. Here are the 4 common types: The cleaner: The person fears contamination so much that he’ll wash repetitively until he ‘feels’ (not see) that he’s clean enough. He’s afraid of filth, soiled socks, sick people, street food, dirty places—basically anything he suspects can make him unwell. He also invests in loads of cleaning products and hygiene, particularly disinfectants, to always keep his hands clean.